Aichi Performance!!Yonemura Kirara (24.01.28)

Thank you very much for Three of Us Aichiー!!

I saw all of your red penlightsー!!


The Toyohashi venue was super hot and it was just amazing!

To everyone who came、thank you very much❤️‍🔥

I took a photo with Rin-chanーn!!

Our first two shot in literally ages、、、😆

I think it's been about 5 years?I was saying this as we took the photo。

Seriously、how long has it been、、、。

Either way I'm glad we took this photo💟

(T/N News and information has not been translated)

Black Thunder Red Bean Rolls!!

They gave us a box each😭

I ate them all myself😭

I also ate one of these ogura-an things but then I ended up eating 5😭

They were just superー delicious!!

See ya !!!
I'm Yonemura Kirara
