Colddd Yumigeta Ako (24.01.30)

Good evening🌛🛑

I'm Yumigeta Ako

Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!


Today I had my school childcare experience!

(T/N In some Japanese middle schools, they arrange a parternship with a local kindergarten where students visit for a craft workshop with the young children) 

They were super〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜














They were reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaーーーーーーーーーーーーーーlly

U"N"B"E"L"I" E"V"A"B"L"Y" C" U" T"E!!!!

I haven't talked to a 4 year old child in absolutely ages so I was pretty nervous、

But they were suuuuuuuper cute!!!!!

It was so healing and they hour felt like a second


My group brought these train car costumes with us and they played with them so much‼️

There were these 3 kids all wearing conductor costumes and hats and they were walking around going 「Chugga Chugga Choo Choo」and it was so cute to watch that I just collapsed on the floor。

They were really cute。。。。。

There was this kid that kept holding my hand、and at the end they snuck me out of the classroom😭

Then we played in the gymnasium together、

Then they suddenly went running off and they took be back to the classroom and showed me their desk🥹

It was really cute。

And、I have a funny story!

There was this one girl looking at the train costumes our group had brought、

So I asked her

「Do you want to ride the train??」

She nodded and said、

「I want to ride with the teacher」

I didn't know which teacher she meant to I asked her

「Which teacher do you want to ride with?」

She pointed straight at me and said

「I want to ride with this teacher」😂

She thought I was a teacher🤣

Then the actual Kindergarten teacher explained

This girl is a middle school student〜!、but I don't think she understood because she just kept staring and me which was super cute(*´`)

They were all so cute no matter what they did (*´`)

When we left they all kept waving until we couldn't see them anymore which was so cute〜💕

And something I found fun was、

Seeing new sides of my classmates‼️

This one girl who's usually really strict was super duper kind with the kids、

And this other quiet girl was even more energetic than the kindergarteners、and it turns out someone else actually has a younger brother which I didn't know about so they were super duper good with the kids!

We don't have anymore school children experience now、but it's become a wonderful memory〜(*´˘`*)♡ Thank you very much

A photo from today 📸

I woke up listening to a cheerful song

And I was still coming down from that、so this is what my face ended up like。

Changing my expressions quickly is hard (˶ᐢᗜᐢ˶)

I took this photo today before returning to Tokyo〜

I'm smiling or rather grimacing because it's cold not because it's bright but I don't know why my eyes are closed it's weird

I'm making the same face as my bag 😂

It's super fluffy and warm


Well then it's time for today's【Gettaa Life】


I Getted 「Spring onion sprout sushi」

(Starting with this first for the first time in a while)

Quite a while ago I saw on Twitter that Sato-san's manager said that Sato-san messaged them saying this sushi was delicious so I decided I wanted to try it if I got the chance

And it was being sold today so I bought it‼️

The taste was…


This is!!!!!

Something I want to eat in the summer!!!!!!!!

It's strange、there's no fish yet it's still definitely sushi

It wasn't like a salad or anything、it was definitely sushi。


It was my first time in my life eating this、

So it made me happy thinking about how many more delicious things there must be in the world that I don't yet know about !


That's all!This has been【Gettaa Life】!


T/N News and information has not been translated 


New teaser visuals for the Hero Academia Theatre Show Part 4 gave been released!!!!!


Looking through the new visuals I was like

「What's this?What's this?What's this?…Who are you?!」笑lol

Ahhー I'm so excited for 8/2‼️‼️‼️



There's a pressure point for nausea at the top of your foot

Well then I'll see you tomorrow!

This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🦔🦔🦔
