🍋She who's planning to have a relaxing bath tonight、I'm Saori♪
Yesterday's blog comments、I read them all!
Thank you very much😊
Well done for working hard everyoneeeeー!!!
Well done to both of us😌
Since I worked hard yesterday、I got to have fun today!
Your power is amazing💪
Thank you。
Today was、Hina Fes and Satoyama Satoumi Event!
To those of you who came、thank you very much😊
It's finally hereeeeeee!!!!
Firstly Hina Fes!
「Toei Oedo Sen no Roppongi Eki de Dakishimete」
「Tade Kuu Mushi mo Like it!」
We were able to cover these songs✨
What did you thinkー??
Aーishiteiru no yooー😚
Every Hina Fes、is so exciting!
And、it's so hugeeeeeー✨
It was so much fun!
Tomorrow is、the Tsubaki OCHA Premium!
I'll do my best。
Also the Satoyama Satoumi Event!
Loーーts of people came✨
I'm excited for tomorrow✌️
I'll do my best tomorrow too!
We'll be waiting for yーーーou🤤
Everyone how was your dayー??
Well done for working hard today too!
Let's rest uppppーーー✨
Today too、is a Saori selfie♪
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
I wanna eat、Ise udon、、、、、!
I love it so much。
I'll post it to SNS tomorrow!Maybe。笑lol
Apparently、it's at the Satoyama Satoumi booth!?
Bye bye♡
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