Information Compilation Matsumoto Wakana (24.03.29)

Good evening!I'm Matsumoto Wakana🙉

Thank you very much for your comments😊

Sisters、brothers、always share clothes〜 So many of you sadi this!!

When my older sister gets cute clothes、I can't help wanting to borrow them😂

So、I'm sure that lots of you are thinking、that my sister is about the same height as me、

But my older sister、is over 160㎝、so we're totally different heights 笑lol

But、for outer wear like hoodies、I can just wear them oversized、so I often borrow them!😄

We have a great relationship🙆‍♀️

Tomorrow is、Hina Fes!🌸

🌟3/30 (Sat) is、、、

「Juice=Juice & BEYOOOOONDS Premium」

「Angerme Premium」!!!!

The Angerme Premium、will be broadcast live on CS TV Asahi Channel、so please watch us on TV too📺🙌

We'll do our best on Pei-chan's behalf too!!!!😚💚

Also、this year we'll also be holding「Carbon Neutral wo Kangaeru 2024 by SATOYAMA & SATOUMI movement」!🌱

I will be appearing at the opening、and at SkyDrive-san's event!!

⭐️Opening→ 3/30 (Sat) 10:00〜10:30
⭐️SkyDrive→3/30 (Sat)16:00〜16:15

Please come and see me😉

I'm so excited for this year's booths!!

For the Satoyama Satoumi event、you can participate for free、so please be sure to come and see us🤗🍀


(T/N News and information has not been translated)

I'll end today's blog here(๑・̑◡・̑๑)

I'm so excited for Hina Fes!!!

It's my first time in a while seeing you all!😆

I'll do my bestーー!!🌸

See ya!

Matsumoto Wakana
