Two Days♪ Onoda Saori (24.03.31)

🍋She who ran around loaーds on stage、I'm Saori♪

Yesterday's blog comments、I read them all!

Thank you very much😊

Some of you said、you watched the live broadcast of Hina Fes!!

I'm so happyyyyy!!!!

I wanna see Saori!I wanna watch it again!!!

I received your powers of support🤤

Thank you。

Today、was Hina Fes and Satoyama Satoumi Event!

To everyone who came、and everyone who watched、thank you very much😊

What did you thinkー??

Today、was the Tsubaki OCHA Premium!

I worked hard at rehearsals!So、I felt strangely calm today、

I saw your faces really clearly!!!!

I waved loaーーds。

Did you see meー???

For waving your peach penlights、thank you very much🤤

I hope that today、you became even more interested in Tsubaki!

I had fun!I had so much funnnnn。

At the Satoyama event、I visited the booths!

I appeared on stage!

I got to hear many wonderful words from many people🫶

It's been 2 days of happiness✨

Thank you very much!!!!!

Today too、is a Saori selfie♪

(T/N News and information has not been translated)

Saori、loves Ise city🫶
Have you seen my Instagram!?!?
So today、I visited the Ise city boothhhhh!
It made me so happy!
Thank you very much🥹
I wanna go again soon!!!!

Bye bye♡
