Kochi Sightseeing Part One!Matsumoto Wakana (24.04.30)

Good evening!I'm Matsumoto Wakana🙉

Thank you very much for your comments😊

Our Kochi performance yesterday、was such a special and memorable live show、and it feels like you all felt the same way、which makes me super happy!!

Thank you very much for telling me about your thoughts♡

Let's meet up in Kochi Prefecture again!!😆

Kochi performance、Kochi sightseeing、Hanami videos、、、

There's too much I wanna write abouttttt!笑lol

I don't really know where to start、but while yesterday is still fresh in my mind、I'll talk about our Kochi sightseeing!!!

I'm sure that many of you already know this、but the day before our Kochi performance、all of Angerme、did some sightseeing in Kochi Prefecture!!😆

Plus、our tour guide、was Kochi City PR Ambassador Kawamura-san!🥹🌟

First up、Kochi Castle🏯!!

(Some members aren't photographed here🙏)

We also went inside the actual castle、and I was so surprised by the stairs!🫢

It was my first time having to concentrate so hard on climbing and descending stairs。。。

The scenery from the very top was really beautiful、I could have stayed there forever!🥺

We actually went to Kochi Castle twice、in the afternoon and evening、so we got to see Kochi Castle shining in the sun、and lit up by illuminations、and they were so different、but both super beautiful!!


Cars crossed this narrow bridge、I was shocked🫣

Being surrounded by nature and the beautiful river、really warmed my heart!😌

Apparently the night sky is beautiful there too、so I wanna go back at night someday。

Katsurahama Aquarium🐟!!

Getting to be so close with the creatures、surprised me!😳

I、fed the giant sea turtle、the same one we've all seen on Kawamura-san's Instagram!🐢

He pulled on the tongs way harder than I expected、but I'm glad he ate everything!笑lol

Also、we visited「Akira's Room」、and got to see the snakes and lizards and frogs and chameleons up close!!🐍🦎🐸

The closer I looked、the cuter they got、and now I'm kinda into reptiles!👀

Plus、we saw sea lions and tortoises、and sea otters、and capybara、and lots of other animals you don't normally get to see、which was super fun!!

After seeing everything inside、we met Katsurahama Aquarium's mascot character Otodo-chan!!

Otodo-chan was so cheerful and super cute😁

On our way out、we received a key chain of Otodo-chan and a Katsurahama Aquarium T-shirt、which are amazing souvenirs!!

Thank you very much😚

To tell the truth、I have a mountain of stories to tell about the food、so I'll end it here for today!😖

Please let me keep writing like this for the next few days!🙇‍♀️

I hope that if you read my blog、you'll already have realised this、but I used the word surprised a lot!、because I had a lot of new experiences while sightseeing in Kochi!!!!

There's still lots more places that I haven't been、so I want to go back to Kochi Prefecture in my private time too 🤭

(T/N News and information has not been translated)

I'll end today's blog here (๑・̑◡・̑๑)

I posted to Insta too!!

I have lots of photos I wanna post、so I might have to do a photo dump、、?🤨

See ya!

Matsumoto Wakana
