Dance Day Kawashima Mifu (24.05.28)

Good evening🌞♡⃛

Yesterday I watched the THE DANCE DAY❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Mifu has done dance since I was little

Every weekend I'd get in the Shinkansen alone to go to Nagoya or Kobe、or I'd stay in Osaka and attend contests or battles with my friends and rivals from every prefecture and I remember spending our days supporting each other❤️‍🔥

I was watching it with Mama

And we got so excited discussing it

Ever since I started D League、Mama would come on the Shinkanseb

To watch me、

She's always supported me💞

The time I spend talking about dance with Mama

Is the most fun!笑笑lollol

Seeing people I know through dance

Appearing on the TV now

Makes me super happy 😊

Now、I'm way worse at dancing than I used to bs

I have basically no skills now、

But I love watching people dance、

And now I love it even more。

I messaged some dance friends

Saying did you watch Dance Day?!

They replied saying I watched it!And we chatted about it。

Dance is the best!

I hope I can dance lots more!

From here on

I'll keep working hard!!

