🍋She whose friーーーnge、is all messed uーp、I'm Saori♪
Yesterday's blog comments、I read them all!
Thank you very much😊
Seriously、the low pressure was insane!Rightーーー
You're all so admirable for working so hard、、、
Ahhh、I wanna go to Disney!!!!
Today、what are you going to be doingー??
Saori、woke up early!!!!!
Do your best💪
Today、it's drizzlingー。
It's pretty much always raining at the moment??
Take care everyone!!!!!
Don't forget your umbrellaー!
Don't catch a coldー!
Keep moving forward eveーーーーry day!
Saori will do her best at work too✨
Today too、is a Saori selfie♪
T/N News and information has not been translated〜♡
I wanna eat、eel and purinnnn。
Bye bye♡
#saori #yesterday #didyouwatch #ikutsuba #imwaitingforyourthoughts
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