Yuha♡ Yonemura Kirara (24.06.27)

Yuha、congrats on your graduation!!!!!!!

A photo from when we were Hello Pro Kenshuusei、at a Nagoya lesson!!!Rin-chan and Yuha♡

Based on when we joined the Kenshuusei I was her senpai、but ever since we first met I always really admired her、like the fact that such an amazing idol exists…、I really respect her for that!!

Yuha has always been kind to me、and she talked to me lot、and she'd hang out with bratty Kirara、so thank you😭

She always smiled despite my endless annoying questions、

(For example、when you go to karaoke with your friends、how do your friends react to hearing Yuha's singing voice?and、what do you sing first?I asked her loads of silly questions like that。)

Even when I invited her hang out、unbelievably she always responded with a smile、she's really an angel。😭

Also、I'm sorry。

Today's live show、was packed full of Beyonds-san's charms、it was so much fun、the time just flew by。。。。

Everyone really shone、it inspired me!!!!!

And、it was super duper emotional!!!

Once again、Yuha、congrats on your graduation!!!

📻T/N News and information has not been translated 📺

See ya 

I'm Yonemura Kirara!
