Floating♪ Onoda Saori (24.10.15)

🍋She who wants to cut her fringe、I'm Saori♪

Yesterday's blog comments、I read them all!

Thank you very much😊

Baby Saori👶 is cute rightー!!!!

I've been cute ever since I was bornーーー

Rightー!I'm not lying!!!!

Eternally cute🤤

I have loaーds more cute photos✨



Today、how was your dayー??

Well done for working hard、with your jobs and studies!

You're so admirableeee!So amazing!!!!

Saori、had voice training!

For our tour、I have a homecoming performance in November☺️

So I'm practicing lots!

Everyone、when are you coming to see us nextーーー

Saturday、Sunday、Monday were 3 really fun days🤤

If you're back at work now、let's all work hard until we can meet againー!!!

Saori's sending you all her power🫶

Did it reach youー????

Well done for working hard today too!

Take it easyー

Early to bed and early to rise!

Saori too!!!!!!!!笑lol

Today too、is a Saori selfie♪
This summer、I went to the pool with my familyー!!!
We're so close!Rightー!!😂
These photos、were taken by my younger sister!
Everyone、what summer memories do you haveー??

T/N News and information has not been translated〜♡


The Dance Gakuen public recording、was so amazing、、、
I've never cheered so much in my life!!!!!
Well done to everyone in the Hello Pro Dance Club⭐️😆
They were so impressive、it's hard to express in words!!
Thank you very much for the wonderful time!
Please take it easy😌

Bye Bye♡

#saori #come #toourtourinsaga #andtoshowsotherthansagatoo #✌️
