Kagoshima!Yonemura Kirara (24.10.13)

Thank you very much for our tour in Kagoshima ーー!!!

I took a photo with Sakurajima。The mountain you can see behind me、that's Sakurajima。⛰️

Did you enjoy today's live showー?

Everyone in Kagoshima was super energetic、it was awesome😄

Thank you very much for your cheers、and your penlightsーー!!!🔥

From when I did the OchaUke in Kagoshima and ate somen-nagashi!!

It was delicious and the view was beautiful…

I'll keep working hard so that we can come back to Kagoshimaーー

📻T/N News and information has not been translated📺

My favourite cat in Kagoshima Prefecture

See ya 

I'm Yonemura Kirara!

