Messi's Pie Murata Yuu (24.10.30)

Good evening!!

Thank you very much for your likes、and comments again yesterday✌🏻

Did you watch yesterday's HelloTsu GAMESー??

Thank you very much for all of your comments about it💕︎

I saw a lot of comments saying that Yuu and Doigo's banter was so typical of middle schoolers 笑lol

We're genuine middle schoolers 😎🌟笑lol

I'm sure that some of you haven't watched it yet so I won't give any spoilers but weren't you on the edge of your seat the whole time?!

I wanna do another stream with HelloTsu GAMES😸✌🏻

If you haven't watched it yet、please be sure to go and take a look 👀🌟

I posted a TikTokー!!

Messi Murata eating a choco pie🍫

I want to film lots more TikToks going forward‼️

Yuu is thinking about what tags I should use 

I'm not sure!
Please let me know if you have any ideas‼️

I want to learn more about filming TikToks too 👍🏻
I'll be doing my best so please check out our SNS!!

May you and yuu spend every day happily😁👍🏻

