Everyone、good evening!
I'm Endo Akari🍨🍎
To everyone who looked at my blog yesterday!
Thank you very much😆✨
Your likes and comments make me super happy。
Thank you very much😭
Today I was able to go and watch『ANGERME 10th ANNIVERSARY TOUR 2024 AUTUMN 「ROOTS」Kawamura Ayano FINAL ☆KIRAKIRA☆』m(_ _)m
Firstly Kawamura Ayano-san、congratulations on your graduation。
Kawamura-san is super cute and cool and I love her powerful singing voice!!!
So、today I made sure to burn her singing voice in my memory❤️🔥
And I really admire her doll-like visuals✨️
Kawamura-san looked so beautiful in her super duper sparky dress as the”KIRAKIRA Idol”、and I couldn't believe how long her legs were!
She also gave me a tuna-shaped card which made me super happy 😭✨
I'll treasure it forever!
Once again、congratulations on your graduation Kawamura-san。

T/N News and information has not been translated💚⃤
Shitakke ne〜♡
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