I Found Something Cute。 Inoue Haruka (25.01.29)

Good evening everyone!
I'm Inoue Haruka!🩵🌿‬🍫
Thank you very much for your likes and comments!

I went out today、and I found the PreCure lipstick that my younger sister's been wanting so I bought us matching ones!
They're super cute!
But、when I looked closely they weren't actually for PreCure、but instead for the card game Himitsu no AiPri…。(It's an anime too!)
I guess I bought them on mistake、but they're really cute、so maybe I should try playing this game。
When I was younger、I loved card games!
Like Aikatsu!and PriPara。
I feel like I could get easily obsessed again…!

The Himitsu no AiPri cosmetics are really cute so take a look (👀)

Today's snack。

A cute heart。

I was trying to say that ghe chocolate was crispy and it was suーper delicious、but I ended up saying that the crisps were chocolatey 笑lol。

I wanted to play video games this evening、but my console wouldn't connect to the TV so I gave up…。

Even though me and my dad said we'd play togetherー。

So I played Taiko no Tatsujin by myself on my 3DS。

I played the same song 3 times so I could get the full combo。

I wanna play Taiko no Tatsujin at the arcade againー。

T/N News and information has not been translated


