The Sound of a Mechanical Pencil Matsumoto Wakana (25.01.15)

Good evening!I'm Matsumoto Wakana🙉

Thank you very much for your comments😊

Everyone、I asked you what you like to put on your yoghurt、

And honey came in at number 1!🍯

2nd place onwards was、banana、blueberries、jam、cereal、things like that、、、!!!

Mainly、I just like hearing about your yoghurt preferences🤭🥣

Some people mentioned things that I've never tried、so I made a note of those、so I can challenge more different toppings!!

Thank you very much for teaching me new things〜🥰🥰🥰

Recently、exams have been getting closer、so I've been studying、

And I really like the sound of a mechanical pencil、but sometimes it helps me focus、and sometimes it just makes me sleepy!!😂🖊️

I've mostly been winning recently though 👩‍🎓笑lol

I prefer writing my answers by hand、on loose-leaf sheets of paper、because I learn things by writing them out、

But reading the actual questions and passages makes me sleepy 😑

But、sometimes I enter Fever Time(when my brain gets really alert)、and then I can't stop working 🤪笑lol

But、why does Fever Time only start、when I don't have much time、、、😟

Anyway、lots of information has gone into my brain、so I want to review it all、so that I can recall an answer anytime anywhere!!!


I'll end today's blog here (๑・̑◡・̑๑)

My favourite mechanical pencil、is the Doctor Grip 0.3mm😉

I've used this type ever since middle school!!!

See ya!

Matsumoto Wakana
