UpComing!Murata Yuu (25.01.30)

Good evening!

Thank you very much for your likes、and comments again yesterday💖

Thank you very much for your thoughts on IkuTsubaー!!

Today UpComing was posted!
Have you already checked it outー??

My first MC ✨
I was able to appear with Morning Musume。'25's Okamura Homare-san 💛

I was nervous、but Okamura-san was really kind to me so her warmth calmed me down!!

Thank you very much❣️

Please watch iーt👀✨

Today we made graduation countdown calendars at schoolー🌸

There really aren't many more days that I'll be at middle school、I can't believe it‼️
Yuu made the「10 more days」sign👍🏻

I think it came out pretty well?😸笑lol

On days like this I wish I could stay at middle school foreverー I'm kinda sad now 🥲

That's how much fun I have at school👍🏻

I'll make sure to enjoy every moment I have left before graduation so I don't have any regrets about middle school🫶🏻❣️

T/N News and information has not been translated 

May you and yuu have sweet dreams ✨

#iwannaeatodenfromafoodstall #ihadodenathome #OnlyYuuCan
