Hasumi seventeen Matsubara Yulia (25.02.25)

Hello everyone!

I'm Matsubara Yulia 😸

Today is Uemura Hasumi-chan's birthday♡

Happy birthday Hasumi〜!!

My birthday is just 1 day after Hasumi's。

Hasumi is so small and cute、and she gets confused a lot、but she's still my older sister by 1 day。

Now that Rosy Chronicle line up in age order we always stand together🤫

When we joined Kenshuusei、we compared our heights、and we were about the same

But now I've overtaken her🤭

Drink lots of milk and grow taller okay🥛

Have a wonderful year🩵

T/N News and information has not been translated 🎤

This has been Matsubara Yulia🤍🐈‍⬛
