Good evening everyone!
I'm Inoue Haruka!🩵🌿🍫
Thank you very much for your likes and comments!
Sorry for not updating my blog recentlyー!
Today I have plenty of time to do it properly!
Yesterday was Hello Con in Fukuoka!
Ikuta-san's homecoming performance!
She brought us snacks!Thank you very much!
It was our last Each performance…。
What did you think?
All we have left is our Together performance in Hiroshima!
I'll do my best!
Yesterday、my fringe just refused to behave 笑lol
I was getting really frustrated、but then Okamura-san braided my hair for me which made me happy again!💛
I'm so bad、at styling my own hair…。
Even just parting my hair neatly is hard!笑lol。
Today I started getting ready for our spring tour、and I went out for a bit。
I want to get faster at learning dances…。
But、I feel like as the days go on it starts becoming something like muscle memoryー。
I think so anyway 笑lol
Well、either way、I feel like it's best to sleep at night and practice in the morning…。
Maybe the same goes for studying…。
Everyoneー、do you learn the choreography of our new songs too?
And、I talked about how I went to Disney!
Seifuku Disney with Yukiho-chan!
I'm glad I could go out in school uniform before I end my time as a student!
And I got to go out with someone else in school uniform〜!
I also got a fluffy tail!笑lol
On March 3rd、at 00:59 I'll be appearing on「Nishino Kaze Brand」!
Please watch it!
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