Release Event Kobe Onoda Karin (25.03.08)

Good evening 

I'm Onoda Karinᙏ̤̫͚

Thank you very much、for reading my blog
Your likes make me happy ♡
I read all of your comments♡

Today we had a release event in Kobe
To everyone who came、thank you very much

I was really nervous before it started 
But when I was standing on stage I could hear your cheers
So I started to enjoy myself
And I wished I could stay there having fun with you all forever 

Tomorrow we have a Kenshuusei Recital in Osaka!
I'm looking forward to seeing you there

At Shin-Osaka Station I got a cheesecake from『Rikuro Ojisan』
All of the Kansai members recommended it
So all 9 members ate it together 

It was really fluffy 

T/N News and information has not been translated

A Word from Karin

March 9th is for crispy fried chicken

For reading until the very end、thank you very much

See you
