Good evening!!
Thank you very much for your likes、and comments again yesterday💖
Today I'll continue what I was talking about yesterday!
Possibly the last one☝🏻
First I'll talk about the goods!
Did you check them outー??
I designed the T-shirt myself and I really want you to pay attention to the ribbon character on the sleeve 🎀
I debuted my new character just for my birthday event
She's called「Musubin」👍🏻
Yuu's name is written「結生」
And it means connecting with people、and treasuring these connections throughout life
So I picked a ribbon to represent Yuu's connection with you all!
Maybe she'll appear on more goods in the future?🎀😸
Please check out the goods if you haven't already↓
Also I gave a ribbon as a present for you to everyone who came to my birthday event🎀
I thought about just giving out signatures and handwritten messages but I wanted to give something unique so I decided on the ribbonsー!!
I made them all myself 🫡
Doesn't this photo look so cool?😙
This is the end of my birthday event reflections❣️
Once again thank you very much for coming to my birthday event、even though it was on a weekend!
Did you find a new side of Murata Yuu??😸🫶🏻
During the MC Keita-san said「I feel like Yuu-chan would be happier to be told she's cool than that she's cute」
So at the send off event lots of people said「Yuu-chan was so cool!」which made me suーper duper happy🫶🏻
But I like being told I'm cute too💖
I want to get used to singing solo more too!
I'll keep working hard and doing my best❤️🔥
T/N News and information has not been translated
May you and yuu stay healthy 😊
#strawberriesaredelicious #ieatthemwithcondensedmilk #OnlyYuuCan
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